Hydraulic components Bezares
We deliver high quality hydraulic components Bezares. Application of mobile hydraulic systems plays an important role in truck transport, mainly in relation to loading and unloading goods - liquid, gas, loose, unpacked and packed materials.
Hydraulic circuits
Hydraulic circuit’s task is to mediate transmission of pressure or torsional moment from source to appliance. The source is a hydro generator usually connected with the gearbox, engine or clutch of the vehicle. Then the appliance is usually a hydraulic piston or hydro engine. Hydro engines are driven by various types of aggregates – these can include pumps, compressors, blowers, vacuum compressors, winches.
The advantages of hydraulic systems
The advantage of hydraulic systems is large flexibility allowing the transmission of torsional moment to places where it would be difficult or even unfeasible by any other mechanical way.
Basic overview of applications of common mobile hydraulic systems:
- One-, two- and three-sided tippers with different amount and placement of hydraulic cylinders.
- Hydraulic drives of pumping and compressor technology for filling and off-loading tank trucks.
- Hydraulic drives of special extensions - cranes, hydraulic arms, walking floors, loading machines of containers, auto hoists etc.
The basis of a mobile hydraulic system is a tooth, vane or piston hydro generator. It is mostly driven from vehicle gearbox with the help of PTO (Power-Take-Off, in Czech: pomocný nebo nezávislý pohon = auxiliary or independent drive). PTO is an additional gearbox of various shapes and structures which is connected to the main box. It has an independent pneumatic, electro-pneumatic or electromagnetic controlling from the driver´s cab. The basic PTO function is the drive of all mobile application by mechanical way (cardan shaft) or by hydraulic way from the gearbox of the vehicle. ALFIMEX offers PTOs for all existing gearboxes of utility vehicles.
For the correct choice of PTO it is always necessary to specify:
- type of application,
- type of vehicle,
- type of a gearbox,
- required performance,
- required engine revolutions,
- type of output (cardan shaft carrier, pump attachment etc.),
- placement (variations are possible with some gearboxes).
Professionally selected model
The ALFIMEX Company will recommend and deliver you the model which best meets your requirements. ALFIMEX is also a supplier of special gearboxes, so called dividing boxes. These special transmissions allow use of rear drive of the vehicle for drive of other extensional devices e.g. electric current generator (mobile workshops, welding etc.), compressor (earthworks, pneu-service etc.), high-pressure pump (cleaning of sewer systems etc.) or auto hoists.
According to the performance, effectiveness and time of load, it is necessary to cool the circuits adequately and conduct the arising heat away. For this purpose, modern coolers are used. Cooler in the most perfect version (Hydrapak - Hydromax) links effective cooling, filtration and protection against maximum excess pressure (by safety valve, possibly thermostatic - or electric run-up - ventilator drive).

František Kotrbatý
sales manager, spare parts,hydraulic systems, sale, Bezares